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David Caldicott20 Nov 2024 - 13:34

Minutes from the AGM 18th November 2024


Members present.
S. Foster, D. Caldicott, S. Gibbins, N. Foster, W. O’Donnell, E. Greaves, J. Greaves, A. Nottingham, S. Franks, D. England, M. Duffy, J. Kennedy, D. Eastwood, S. Dillon, C. Smith, A. Gibbins, M. Cooper and F. Coughlin = 18
There were apologies for absence received from B. lamb, T. Franks, S. Thorpe, L. Sugden, O. Sugden, B. Scorah, R. Jacobs, B. Shelton and Simon Oliver.

1) Minutes of the previous AGM.
The Secretary provided copies of the typed minutes of the previous meeting for the members to read. There were no matters arising and the minutes were then accepted as a true record.

2 Secretary’s report.
The Secretary outlined the events of the year. A copy is attached to these Minutes.

3) Treasurer’s Report
A detailed copy of the balance sheet was presented to the members and the Treasurer outlined the healthy position of the Club. The Club is in the process of obtaining a new roller for the ground. The report recommended no change to the general level of subscriptions or match fees. However, the Treasurer suggested that there should be a reduction to match fees if any player was unemployed. Also, team Captains should be exempt from match fees due to the organisation work involved in the position. Drivers to away games will also be exempt from match fees. The items were passed on a proposition from Mark Duffy, seconded by Steve Foster.
On a proposal by Stewart Gibbins, seconded by Dave Caldicott, with all in favour, the balance sheet was accepted.

4) Election of Officers.
a) Chairman.
Neil Foster was proposed by Stewart Gibbins, seconded by Steve Dillon and elected.

b) President
Mark Duffy was proposed by Neil Foster, seconded by Elza Greaves and elected.

c) Treasurer.
Simon Franks was proposed by Dave Caldicott, seconded by Steve Foster and elected.
d) Secretary.
Dave Caldicott was proposed by Stewart Gibbins, seconded by Elza Greaves and elected.

e) Club Captain.
Steve Foster was proposed by Dave Caldicott, seconded by Stewart Gibbins and elected.

f) Ground Maintenance Manager
Dave England was proposed by Neil Foster, seconded by Mark Duffy and elected.

g) Club Maintenance Manager.
Elza Greaves was proposed by Antony Gibbins, seconded by Mark Duffy and elected.

h) Fund raising and sponsorship committee. (Max 6 members)
The following were elected onto the fund raising & sponsorship committee: - Steve Dillon, Antony Gibbins, Stewart Gibbins and Ashton Nottingham.

i) Women & Girls representative.
Simon Oliver was proposed by Dave Caldicott, seconded by Stewart Gibbins and elected.

j) Playing Committee.
The playing/selection committee is the 3 senior team captains and 2 senior coaches. The 2 senior coaches are Steve Foster and Neil Foster.

k) First Team Captain.
Matthew Cooper was proposed by Declan Eastwood, seconded by Antony Gibbins and elected.

l) First Team Vice-Captain.
Ben Shelton was proposed by Neil Foster, seconded by Freddie Coughlin and elected.

m) Second Team Captain. And n) Second Team Vice-Captain.

The second team captain and vice- captain positions were not filled at the AGM and are to be decided at a later date.

o) Sunday Third Team Conference League Captain
Ciaran Smith was proposed by Stewart Gibbins, seconded by Steve Dillon and elected.

p) Sunday Third Team Conference League Vice-Captain.
On a proposal by Neil Foster, seconded by Simon Franks, Steve Dillon agreed to manage the third team. The on-field Vice – Captain role is to be advised.

q) Midweek League Team Captain
The Midweek team Captain will be decided at a later date.

5) Any Other Business.

The Secretary outlined some changes following the reorganisation of the YPLN league. The York Vale and Scarborough Becket leagues are joining the YPLN in 2025. There are now 130 cricket clubs under the YPLN umbrella. Goole first team allocation is awaited until the league AGM, but it is likely that they will remain in the Championship East division. The second team will be in the Ebor division 2 and the Secretary provided a list of the teams. There are local matches and good teams and the list looks positive.

Indoor practice nets are being organised for the New Year. Practice has been arranged at Drax on Sundays afternoons 11 – 1pm from 5th January.

Neil advised that there are umpiring and scoring courses available for anyone interested.

Discussion took place on how the Club can improve the Club’ social media output. More players need to help with match reports. i.e. getting results, performances, sponsors etc. onto the club’ various social media outlets to advertise the Club and sponsors.

Discussion took place on the team’s week –end teas. The Club’s teas are already good but there was a decision to improve with additional expenditure.

There being no further business, the chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm.

Further reading